Christina Merriman to Jane Addams, January 21, 1914

January 21, 1914.

Miss Jane Addams
Hull House
Chicago, Ill.

My dear Miss Addams:-

Mr. DeForest has called a meeting of the Board of Directors for Monday, February 9th, at 12:30, at the Aldine Association, New York. The executive committee of the National Conference of Charities and Corrections meets at three o'clock that afternoon, and may bring some members of the board to the city.

I am sending you a dozen copies of the annual report, which we have put in separate binding, using the same type. These are being employed in our financial campaign.

Last year we were fortunate in renewing all of our large contributors. This year one $500 contributor has dropped out because of the tariff, one $250 contributor has not replied to our appeal, and we are not sure of several other large contributors whose gifts came in the second six months of our publication year. This year, as last, the staff is carrying forward the work of recruiting Co-operating Subscribers and smaller contributors; and where we can, of course, larger donors. The year is a difficult one, but the response has been pretty gratifying.

It would help immensely if members of the board would bear a hand in the next three months in securing some contributions of $50 or $100 or larger amounts, to make good the shrinkage I have noted.

This is an identical letter which I am sending to members of the Board, and I should be very glad to follow it up with specific suggestions if you feel that you can [cooperate].


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