Jane Addams to Samuel McCune Lindsay, July 30, 1913

July 30, 1913.

My dear Dr. [Lindsay]: --

I was very much impressed with the material which you sent me on July 25th and I want, of course, to see you as early as possible if I can be of any use to you. I feel very strongly that you should be Chairman of the Committee on Social and Industrial Justice. Please bear with me while I labor the point a little.

Firstly, the Chairman should be in New York in order to be in constant communication with the rest of the Progressive Service. Secondly, the work you are doing now is exactly the sort of thing which the Committee ought to do and which I am not fitted to carry on half so well even if I were in New York. Thirdly, you ought to have an opportunity to bring to a consummation the splendid work you have started.

I am enclosing a letter from Mr. Paul Kellogg and have cut off some side comments ↑not↓ on the matter. He knows exactly how strongly I feel about resigning --  that I shall have to do it violently if there is no other way to bring it about. I think the suggestion about Mr. Stelzle a very good one.

I am planning to go to Bar Harbor August 15th but ↑and↓ could come by way of [page 2] New York if the 16th would be a convenient day for you, but I really believe that everything we need to talk about could wait until the general meeting which Miss Kellor is calling for late in September or early in October.

Trusting that you will allow me to express my admiration for the splendid energy and ability you have put into your work for the Progressive Party, I am

Always faithfully yours,

 Jane Addams [signed]

Dr. Samuel McCune [Lindsay]
New York, N.Y.