Jane Addams to John A. Kingsbury, January 6, 1913


Jan. 6, 1913

My dear Mr. Kingsbury: --

I leave for New York on Wednesday and arrive Thursday morning. I expected to be able to get away on Friday afternoon, but a telegram from Miss Kellor says that she hopes to have a meeting on Saturday morning so that I shall probably not be able to leave until two-thirty on Saturday. I should be very glad indeed to meet with the group either on Thursday or Friday evening as may be most convenient for the rest of you.

I showed your letter to Mr. McCarthy from Madison when he was here the other day. He was in a great state of mind over several things he considered reactionary. He took the letter very seriously and wanted to write to you in regard to Mr. Record. I hope I did not let "cats out of the bag" in showing him the letter. He is safe so far as talking about it is concerned, but is a little prone to jump in hastily. [page 2] I will probably be at The Hotel Belmont or with Miss Wald, but letters of course would reach me c/o Miss Kellor.

Sincerely yours,

Jane Addams [signed]

Mr. John Kingsbury.
New York.

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