Oscar K. Davis to Jane Addams, August 26, 1912


August 26th, 1912.

Miss Jane Addams
c/o Mrs. J. E. Bowen
Bar Harbor, Me.

My dear Miss Addams: --

I am delighted to have your letter of the 24th saying that you will undertake some articles for Mr. McNitt and have already telegraphed him.

I shall be very glad to assist Miss Kellor in any way possible in making use of the material that you send her. I do not like to urge you to undertake what you feel would be too much but I do wish that you could do the article for the "Ladies Home Journal" or "Saturday Evening Post" or some one of these publications because of the tremendous value it would be in the campaign.

We shall be very glad indeed to see you on your way to Chicago.

Very sincerely yours,

O. K. Davis [signed]