Raymond Robins to Jane Addams, August 22, 1912


22nd August 1912.

Miss Jane Addams
Bar Harbor, Maine.

Dear Miss Addams:

Your valued telegram reached me on my return to Chicago from "downstate". We are planning to endorse Mr. A. A. McCormick and give him a place on our County ticket. This will give him the votes both on the Republican and the Progressive parties column. While this may not elect him against Bartzen it will give him his only chance to win.

I earnestly hope that you will be able to write the several articles that are wanted for the syndicated papers throughout the country. Medill McCormick feels that these articles by you will be of more value than any other one piece of campaigning. In this opinion I agree.

There is an extraordinary sentiment favorable to the Progressive movement "downstate". I have now spoken at four different points, two [Chautauquas], one county fair, and the opening meeting of the campaign at Galesburg. All have been large in numbers and representative in character and marked by quite unusual enthusiasm. I am making my talks nearly entirely upon the I&R, women suffrage and the social justice planks.

I leave tonight for "Egypt" and will speak at an old settler's reunion in [Du Quoin] tomorrow. There are many more demands than we are able to fill.

From this distance I trust that you are comforted in mind and heart as you look back upon those historic three days as delegate at large from Illinois to the first national convention of the Progressive Party. It has been some ten years since your name and fame became very dear to me, and I have an abiding satisfaction in believing with a deeper assurance from day to day, that those three memorable days have capitalized your twenty years of service many fold, not only for the group of toil but for the whole human race.

As I am a member of the Executive Committee for the Illinois campaign and in close touch with the Executive Committee of the National Campaign I will be glad to serve your wishes in any way that I may.

With kindest regards to Mrs. Bowen.

Faithfully yours,

Raymond Robins [signed]