Sophonisba P. Breckinridge to Ethel Harley Tweedie, October 8, 1912


October 8, 1912.

Dear Madam, --

Miss Addams gave into my hands just as she was leaving town your letter saying that you would be in America and possibly in Chicago soon. Miss Addams is going to be away from Chicago on a speaking tour for the Progressive Party until after the election in November. She has asked me to say that she will be very happy to see you after that time. If you should be in Chicago before then, it will be a great pleasure to us all who are residents at the House to have you dine with us some evening, and we shall be very glad indeed to show you any part of the work which may interest you.

Always faithfully yours,

Mrs. Aleck Tweedie,
C/o John Lane, Publisher,
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