Celia Parker Woolley to Jane Addams, August 7, 1912


Geneva. Ill. Aug. 7-1912

My dear Miss Addams:

I have been watching events from this distance & I want to tell you how pleased & proud I am -- & we all are -- with your prompt and [courageous] action on the Negro question at the Progressive Convention. I am quite confident that it was [page 2] your activity in the matter more than that of any other one or dozen [other] people which brought out Mr. Roosevelt's fuller statement in this morning's papers, <&> which makes his position so much clearer & on the whole satisfactory. I'm a bit inclined to be emotional & say God bless you, but it is enough [page 3] to say that the opportunity for high lasting usefulness & the courage & ability to meet it are seldom embodied so effectively & graciously as in you. We all rejoice in you.

With love & thanks

Celia P. Woolley

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