Declaration of Principles of the Jane Addams Chorus, September 1912

Declaration of Principles
of the
Jane Addams Chorus

The Jane Addams Chorus is affiliated with the Roosevelt Progressive Republican League. 

It is organized to aid its party in every possible way.

It Stands for the humanitarian platform of the National Progressive Party, especially for those planks relating to:

Industrial Justice
Child Labor Laws
Minimum Wages Laws for Women
Eight Hour Law
One Day of Rest in Seven for Laboring People

The Jane Addams Chorus in using its influence for the principles advocated in the platform will be of great benefit to the Progressive Party and will prove to the nation the value of the woman voter.,

All women in sympathy with the Progressive movement are invited to ally themselves with the Roosevelt Republican League by leaving or sending names to the Woman's department, room 127 Title Insurance Building, Fifth and Spring Streets.

Those who can sing are asked to register for the chorus in Room 181.



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