Edward Fisher Brown to Jane Addams, May 1, 1911


National Child Labor Committee

New York, May 1, 1911.

Miss Jane Addams, 
Chicago, Ill.

My dear Miss Addams:

I acknowledge receipt of your wire of the 20th in the matter of the Illinois Stage Bill.  I am somewhat relieved to hear the bill is apparently dead.

I was on a train en route to Boston when I received your telegram in which you asked permission to use the stage material [publicly].  My impression was that you intended using it for an address. But from your letter of the 27th I gather you want to publish the hurriedly gotten up reports I sent you.  It is particularly for that reason that I wired suggesting coming on because there is an accumulated mass of vital material on the stage child in my file.  In any publication this material or part of it should be included for without it the study would be incomplete. The two reports which I sent you were gotten up in great haste while I was in the midst of a bust legislative campaign.  Of course, all the material in those reports can be depended upon, and be given publicity, but if you are contemplating publishing anything on the stage child, I hope you will be able to let me see it before it is finally settled upon, so that Mr. Lovejoy and other trustees of our Committee may have an opportunity to see it. If the members of the judiciary committee both in the House and Senate are in need of further light I would rather have copies of both reports made here and send them on to you rather than give Thomas and his lobby a further opportunity for "slamming" the Committee.

In a very short while I shall set to work getting the entire stage child investigation in shape for permanent use.  If you have need of me in the Springfield campaign do not hesitate to wire me and I shall come on with the ammunition.

With sentiments of appreciation and esteem, I am, 

Very cordially yours,
Edward F. Brown [signed]

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