Everett W. Lord to Jane Addams, April 29, 1911

688 Boylston Street 
Boston, April 29, 1911

Miss Jane Addams,

My dear Miss Addams:-

Thank you for your words of appreciation of my pamphlet. I am certainly glad to hear that it proved helpful.

The Metropolitan Life Co. has written me that they have sent you a [page 2] copy of the report of the Actuarial Society. I have secured a letter from President Eliot stating that he has in no way changed his opinion regarding the employment of children on the stage: this I have sent to Mr. Clopper.

I am sure our stage friends will find it wholly impossible to disprove any statement in my pamphlet [page 3] as I included nothing for which I had not proof.

Yours sincerely,
Everett W Lord [signed]

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