Jane Addams to Sarah Alice Addams Haldeman, December 11, 1911


My dear Alice

I am sending two books for the special edition. Mrs Bowen bought out the remainder of them at the price of the regular edition, so these two cost $5.00. You can have others, if you like.

I am putting in the Beethoven for your Xmas and the Henry Irving for Marcet. If you are sending a box to her, perhaps it can go with it. Her plans seemed a little uncertain when I was in N.Y. [although] she thought she would be there for Xmas. [page 2] 

We had a very nice visit together. She was looking very well and happy. 

I hope you will like the Beethoven. So many people were reading & discussing the lecture at Bar Harbor last year and calling him as great in literary style as in musical. 

Always, dear Alice, your loving sister Jane Addams

Dec 11" 1911