Jane Addams to Belle Case La Follette, January 5, 1912


January 5, 1912.

My dear Mrs. La Follette: --

I am awfully sorry that you have resigned from the Board but I understand, of course, the reasons which influenced your decision.

I am very much impressed with what you say about Milwaukee and am myself convinced that it would be a good thing to try and have the convention there. I shall see all of the leaders of the Wisconsin Suffrage movement at the end of the month when I go on to give three addresses in that State, and if they can come together on the subject I hope very much that we will be able to secure an invitation from Milwaukee.

We all enjoyed so much hearing Mr. La Follette in Chicago the other evening. I do not know why I did not realize when I was in Washington that Miss Hunt was with you, but I failed to make the connection at the moment. Will you please give her my love and tell her how sorry I was not to see her.

With very best wishes for the new year, I am

Sincerely yours,

Jane Addams. [signed]

Mrs. Robert La Follette
Washington, D.C.