Dorothy Detzer to Jane Addams, February 24, 1924


February 24, 1925

Miss Jane Addams
Hull House
Chicago, Illinois

My dear Miss Addams:

I have just received your letter of February 21st about having the Convention in Chicago. I have already urged Miss Doty to consider Chicago, not only from selfish reasons alone, which, of course, were very strong, but because I can think of no place here it would be so fine to have it.

The Milwaukee branch has also sent forward a resolution, requesting that the Convention be held in Chicago, so I feel very hopeful, indeed.

It was lovely of you to write that you enjoyed seeing my name from time to time on the W.I.L. letters. I am sure that no one can know what a tremendous thrill it gives me to be in this office, and touching all peace friends in the United States, and indirectly in Europe.

I am sorry that you will not be here tomorrow for the hearing on our bill. We are hoping that everything will go off smoothly and successfully. We certainly have had the finest kind of [cooperation] from Senator Borah and Senator Shipstead. I will send you a detailed account of the proceedings after the meeting, that is, those details which will not be put in the Record.

I am acknowledging the letter you [enclosed], and shall forward the clippings to Miss Doty for the Bulletin.

Always devotedly,

Dorothy Detzer
Executive Secretary.