Alice M. Whitman to Jane Addams, December 12, 1910


Dec. 12. 1910

Dear Miss Addams.

I cannot tell you how very, very glad I am to have the "Twenty Years at Hull House," with the inscription which means so much to me. Wouldn't you be pleased if "the foremost woman of America, of this or any other time" should show [page 2] you such an attention? From the nature of the case this pleasant [situation] can never be yours, & in this I have a decided advantage on you.

I haven't yet had time to settle down to reading the book through, but know from bits here and there how [heartily] I shall enjoy it -- and Russell with me. Sarah (aged 14) has been reading it & says [page 3] "Be sure to thank her like everything!" Mother has read it, & says "It's wonderful."

We are busy now with a "Parents & Teacher's Association" to connect the schools with neighborhood & community life. As urged by you in the last speech I heard you give, Dues, 50 cents of course! You forgot to mention this sine qua non -- but I understand.

This is the envelope I have been keeping for a subscription to Hull-House. It went to the [page 4] Industrial School at Park Ridge ↑instead↓. I am sure it must have been that five dollars because there isn't any other. Sometime, I hope there may be.

Russell sends his warm regards to you & to Miss Starr. I wish you could both come to visit us. If you see any possibility ahead at any time, we should be more than glad if should offer us a ["weekend"] -- mid week, or any other period of time.

Ever affectionately yours

Alice M. Whitman

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