James Hayden Tufts to Jane Addams, November 28, 1909

The University of Chicago
Department of Philosophy

Nov. 28, 1909.

Dear Miss Addams.

I don't suppose you planned with full intent to send me your book just in time for Thanksgiving day. But I found it in my mail that morning and nothing could better fit the day which to my boyhood meant home and patriotism and religion united more than any other day of the year. I read the [page 2] book at once and felt more impressively than ever before the possibilities of generous impulse and tender emotion which we now fail to guide and use. At certain moments, I suppose the pathos of the situation comes to consciousness more or less vaguely in any sympathetic parent or teacher but you have made a picture which stands out clearly and includes many [page 3] aspects which we do not ordinarily put together. And I believe it will do what a strong fine picture does -- enable a great many to see with your eyes, and impact a great many with your interest.

From another standpoint the word that seemed to describe it most appropriately was the word "statesmanlike." For it certainly deals with one of the greatest factors in our social [page 4] and political life, and does so in a masterly fashion. I do not think it can fail to set people to thinking -- and gradually to acting.

Thank you for remembering me with a personal copy,

Very sincerely,
James H. Tufts.

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