Jane Addams to Amy Woods, July 31, 1924

Hull's Cove Maine
July 31st 1924

Dear Miss Woods --

Emily Balch and I have gone through a lot of the international accounts and so forth and I am much relieved in my mind that they are all out of the way.

I hope you will approve the various combinations we have made, the total [elimination] of the national fund [etc.] --

(1) I think it will be fine to report the Johnson speech & Frau [Kirchhoff's] [etc.], (Rob't Lovett's has also been much called for) and issue them as bulletins allowing a share to Vilma Glücklich to send out from the Geneva office.

(2) I am quite satisfied with 75¢ for the ↓price of the↑ report but we have written to Mrs Post that we think a dollar would be better, it is certainly easier to send in a letter & it also seems like more of a gift to international members!

(3) I think that it would be all right [page 2] to subtract the mimeographing of the new letter [illegible] before you send the Int. associate membership fees to the Chicago bank, provided of course that a careful account is always kept.

Perhaps we can talk over together the [actual] book keeping arrangements later in the mean time I would send no accts to Europe [it?] confuses them still more over he new arrangement.

(4) I did not mean to be critical of the salary acct and am glad to have your explanation.

(5) I am nearly quite all right again, my little thing a matter of the past.

Miss Balch leaves tomorrow, I am sorry to say.

Hoping to see you some time during the summer, I am affectionately yours Jane Addams