Jane Addams to Mary Rozet Smith, May 16, 1910

St. Louis, Mo.

May 16 1910.


Frank told me yesterday morning of the death of your aunt and I have been thinking of you with added tenderness [ever] since. I know that it [revives] the whole question of you going or staying but please don't regret what I am sure was the right thing to do. Will you thank Mrs Herrik for her letter which  with yours cheered me very much indeed.

We are all settled in a very fine suite of rooms and all looks towards a fine Conference. I have changed my speech into "Charity & Social Justice" and sent off a [page 2] copy to The North American Review today. I think the speech is improved but it will never set the world afire. It has [now?] used up my eyes for this day -- so good night to you Dearest --

Always yrs

J. A.