John Bertram Andrews to Jane Addams, January 4, 1924

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This letter sent to Miss Jane Addams,
Prof. John R. Commons, Federal Trade Commission, Wash. D.C.
Mr. Robert W. DeForest, 30 Broad Street, N.Y.C.
Prof. Irving Fisher, Yale Univ. 450 Prospect St. N.H. Conn.
Miss Lillian D. Wald, Henry St. Settlement, 265 Henry St., City.
Mr. Felix Warburg, 52 William Street, N.Y.C.
Dr. Stephen S. Wise, 23 W. 90th Street, N.Y.C.
↑Mr. V. Everit Macy
Also in Jan. 1925 Mr. Henry R. Seager↓

January 4, 1924. 

Miss Jane Addams,
Chicago, Ill.

My dear Miss Addams:

It is my pleasure, as secretary, to inform you that at the Seventeenth Annual Meeting of our Association ↑at Chicago↓ you were re-elected as one of our vice presidents and thereby a member of our General Administrative Council. The duties in this connection, as you know, are not very time consuming, as the Council meets usually but once a year and that in connection with our annual meeting. You are likely, however, to be called upon for advice from time to time regarding questions which arise. This service, we are confident, you will be glad to perform.

Sincerely yours,
