Jane Addams to Sarah Alice Addams Haldeman, September 23, 1910


Sept 23d 1910

Bar Harbor, Maine.

My dear Alice

I tried to see Dr. Fremont Smith after your first letter but I could not catch [illegible]. This morning however I found him and described your sensations as best I could. He is a very well known Washington doctor who spends his summers here. He said that the pricking sensations did not, of necessity, mean anything at all, but that if you felt any [severe], or if you had any [page 2] persistent discomfort in one place, then you ought to go back to Dr. Ochsner and have treatment; that often the radium treatment would revivify the tissue.

He said that the likelihood of reoccurrence was during the first months after the operation, and that every care should be taken to have the treatment prompt.

Don't you think, Dear, that if the prickling sensations continue that you ought to come up to Chicago very soon and [page 3] consult a doctor? It is much better to take to a dozen useless [journeys] than to postpone one too long, isn't it?

I will be back in Chicago Monday Oct 9th perhaps you could meet me there then. We would both feel much better, to be quite sure that nothing was going on ↑in↓ untoward fashion. Do decide to do that, and at the very best we will have a little visit together. With love to you, in which Mrs Bowen joins, I am always your loving sister Jane Addams.

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