Jane Addams to Louis Dembitz Brandeis, November 21, 1910


Nov. 21, 1910

My dear Mr. Brandeis:-

The Garment Workers Strike in Chicago is still far from a settlement, and we are all distressed over the possible outcome. You have doubtless seen The Citizens Report, but I am enclosing one, partly because it contains the names of a few people who have been trying in various ways to understand the situation.

Could you accept an invitation from the Citizens Committee to address a popular meeting on a Sunday afternoon on the entire subject of the preferential shop, and the basis of the New York settlement? It seems difficult to arouse public opinion, and we all feel that such an address from you would [page 2] receive full recognition from the papers, and bring a better understanding with it.

It might easily be possible to add to the invitation of the Citizens Committee that of The Chicago City Club, The Womans City Club, and several other bodies.

Would you kindly write me whether or not there would be a possibility of your accepting an invitation if it were possible to present it?

A Sunday meeting could be arranged with a loss of a minimum of time.

Very sincerely yours,

Jane Addams [signed]

Louis D. Brandeis, Esq.,
Washington, D.C.

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