Alfred Landon Baker et al. to Eric Gustaf Alexander Julihn, March 18, 1910

800 South Halsted Street

March 18, 1910.

My dear Mr. Julihn:-

If you knew more intimately the successful work accomplished by Hull-House, we know you would be eager to do your share toward its support. It is considered the model institution of its kind in the world, and for the amount of work done for the thousands of people who daily come under its influence, the expense is exceptionally low.

The House, under the inspiring leadership of Miss Addams, has gone steadily forward in its work of fearless, progressive philanthropy. You, in common with every Chicagoan, are justly proud that her reputation and influence have become world-wide.

We, the undersigned members of the Finance Committee, feel it our duty to relieve Miss Addams of the financial cares -- a heavy burden in addition to her other duties. Herewith is a list of persons contributing annually to the maintenance of Hull-House in amounts from $100 to $1000 and over.

Send us your check for $1000 if you can; if not $1000, then $500, $100, or $50. Whatever the amount it will help carry forward a great work, in which we wish you to become interested.

Truly yours,

Alfred L. Baker [signed]
Julius Rosenwald [signed]
Edgar A. Bancroft [signed]
A. A. McCormick [signed]
Harry Hart [signed]
Frederick W. Burlingham [signed]


E. G. A. Julihn, Esq.,

San Francisco, Cal.