Jane Addams to Mary Rozet Smith, June 20, 1909



Eleanor's last letters haven't reported you as docile an invalid as we have hoped for --  and I am afraid that life in the little brown cottage will be too lively for book writing. I was in bed all day yesterday and rather dragging around today, [although] two speeches [page 2] are expected -- thank Goodness one is over. This is a beautiful portion of the earth, the view of Lake Champlain is really more enchanting than our long ago ride upon its waters -- we motored today for a little while but I was glad to get back to my blue wrapper and the sofa. The poor Lady is bearing the heat and burden of the day, [page 3] luncheon and dinner parties every meal and philanthropic talk expected "all of the time." She is getting rather spent with the role but is doing noble work I hope to be able to relieve her tomorrow. I had hoped to send the book off to New York from here but shall be obliged to lug it to Toronto. I will say however that it improves every [page 4] trip it takes. I think of you long and often, always with love and yearning -- it is only a week from today when I shall be back.

Bless you Darling always yrs

J. A.

June 20" 1909

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