Jane Addams to Mary Rozet Smith, June [15], [1909]

JA to MRS, June 15, 1909_001.jpg


Buffalo, N.Y. June


We had a very exciting day yesterday with settlement lunches and conferences and my election as the Pres't of the Conference in the evening. If I haven't written for two days, that is the reason but you have to be in it all some way and the little brown cottage seems to be the haven at the end -- like the traditional parochial who goes out in the great world with the influence of home clinging to him. [page 2] There were some funny things popping yesterday -- which I will later relate.

Eleanor letter came last night so nearly, as I can make out there has been but one bad night. I should like to throw up my hat. Don't be too gay, you will be quite spoiled for life in a cottage. With love to [E.] and Sara -- always yrs J. A.

The Lady sends her love.