Jane Addams to Emily Greene Balch, January 20, 1923


Copy It is rather silly to have copied all this but I thought you might like to see the letter entire.

Red Sea Jan 20/23

Dearest Emily Balch

I have thought of you so much of the time since we have left Port Said and have gone over again and again my action in regard to your letter & telegram. I wish I could have seen you first but the people who saw you as Freiburg were so sure you needed a year at least (two of them thought more) which your telegram confirmed. I can't bear to go on without you and I keep telling myself that the arrangement is only temporary and that you must come back. Of course you are still on the board and Secy of the Board and it is only the Executive Office which had {been} resigned.

Would you be willing to have me arrange a fund for a living arrangement for you at the Maison Internationale so that you could come & go as you liked and be our [traveling] secretary even [although] you only [traveled] occasionally. It would make a great difference to me if you did. Please never think again of that old Summer School deficit. We had $500 left over from Salzburg, Mrs Johnson gave $1000 so that it is practically made up now. Of course the Board would never [illegible] think of letting you pay it and it is all a matter of the past. Our whole Summer School policy is in an experimental stage still.

I am just "out" the last day or two and still have to be rather careful. The Red Sea has been hot but by no means unendurable and we are anticipating Bombay [page 2] with real eagerness.

{Remark that a [traveling] acquaintance whose name I cannot read was on board}

With my cordial greetings to Miss Cheever I am always yousr with unchanging affection (signed) Jane Addams

P.S. We both like [Aswan] so much, I do hope you will get down to it.