Marguerite Gobat to Jane Addams, June 8, 1922



My dear Miss Addams,

 Milano, June 8th

You will be glad, I am sure, to know that I have been at Oria, at the lake of Lugano, to pay a visit to your friend, Mrs Urie. I spent there, last Monday from 4 p.m. till Tuesday morning [9th], a most delicious time. And was it not nice, that your letter to Mrs Urie had just arrived, so that I could have quite [fresh] news from you, as Mrs Urie showed it to me?

Mrs Urie has not much changed her mind, since she spoke to you and wrote to Miss Balch about her position to the League. She has a very strong feeling that the work for peace and reconstruction must be done from within the proletarian [organizations]. But she will come to Varese, if possible -- you know that she and her family are [sailing] for the United States early in September -- to [see] Bertrand Russel and the Rev. [Holmes]. She also will pay the scholarship of an Italian Student at the Summer school. 

Before these few hours -- too short, for I like this place so much -- I had been in Varese and in Lugano. In this last place I was in Mrs. Bignami’s house, who, [although] ill in this moment, is very desirous to help for the School, and will take part in the Committee for [organization] which is being formed in Varese. She invited for the evening I was there several persons, between others a member of the Swiss Parliament, an internationalist, who will come to Varese and speak at one of the evening meetings. [*] [written in at bottom left] ↑* Her husband Enrico Bignami was a great pacifist -- died last year --↓ I went back to Varese [illegible] the day before yesterday, June 6th, and we had there a little meeting of interested people from Varese, convocated by the [Sindaco?] Cova, the mayor of the little town, who is a socialist. Mme Genoni was there too. So I hope things will go on now, and I am able to go home [tomorrow]. Miss Balch told me that I was to be in Italy a week and I had made my arrangements for 10 days the most, and [now] there are nearly 3 weeks that I am here; Mrs. Eliakim from Vienna is coming one of the next days. 

I have a great trouble to speak or to write in English, because I am speaking much Italian here and have not much practice in this language, so I had [better] finish, wishing you a pleasant summer; not too hot, and remaining, with best regards from Mme Genoni,

Yours affectionately

 Marguerite Gobat. [signed]

[written up right margin] ↑I have read your book "Peace and Bread in Time of War" with great interest and hope to be able to give an account of it [in] my paper.↓