Jane Addams to Jessie Bartlett, July 22, 1903


My dear Miss Bartlett

You were awfully good to send us such a big check. We are really more grateful now when the enthusiasm in "Fresh air" is beginning to wane, than we would have been earlier -- and that is saying a great deal. We are planning to have some of your old [page 2] friends go to [Saugatuck], Mrs Barrett with her two daughters and some of your old party who represented different "economic planes."

It was very nice to hear from you. You are certainly developing into a capable business woman and are to be congratulated, after all we must have that basis for the rest of life and [page 3] learn to make friends with it.

We have had more summer classes this year than usual, and are really quite successful pushing Pasteurized milk into the reluctant neighbors, but for the littlest ones and at the Playground.

I wish you might see our court almost every blade of grass has been tended personally but the result is altogether delightful. Mr Deknatel has gone abroad this year, having joined Miss Hamilton and her sister, they are very happy in Southern Italy. We also speak of you the first of July and many times during the summer, I still cherish the hope, that you may sometime be a Hull-House resident. Always affectionately yours

Jane Addams

July 22d 1903