Lucy Biddle Lewis to Jane Addams, May 7, 1922


May 7. 1922.

Dear Miss Addams.

Mrs. Odell has consented to continue till June 1st and I am calling Board meeting for May 26th (at least I have sent that suggestion to Washington, as time suiting me). I have not heard from Mrs. [La Follette] in answer to my inquiry about Miss Wold. I do want to find a truly executive person so that all may feel confidence in the office & have satisfactory responses to requests & suggestions.

Mabel Vernon is just returning from Europe & stands very high in [page 2] estimation of many people. [Woman's] Party members specifically -- she will be ready for a position I understand & is a pacifist. Do you know her well enough to judge if she is suitable? I hope not to get a great radical who will give a color to our organization that frustrates some of our work, yet we must have someone of strong conviction and independence of action -- real fearlessness. A certain diplomacy is needed -- all this is hard to find in one person. Have you found yet if Mrs. Thomas is a possibility?

Mrs. Post has offered to help get out [page 3] the Bulletin -- prepare the report of our Convention [etc.] which makes Mrs. Odell feel she can continue & she thinks best to keep the work in connection with foreign speakers there as every one has been told to communicate with Washington office. We are a bit worried over financing them back to New York, and steamer fares -- fees -- railroad fares to destination [etc.] It will require careful work. Philadelphia practically paid their way over, & is financing the week they are here, but I do not think we can do more. I believe it will come however -- it was a venture of faith we realized. [page 4]

I feel the responsibility of the chairmanship deeply, and shall try to make good, though there are many qualms & doubts come along as to whether I was wise in accepting. I appreciate the encouraging things that are said to me, & so many have been thoughtful & kind in expressing themselves. I do not hear the reverse rather fortunately perhaps.

Very affectionately

Lucy Biddle Lewis [signed]