Emily Greene Balch to Jane Addams, January 26, 1922

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6, rue de Vieux-Collège

January 26. 1922.

Dearest J A --

Just a week [tonight] since our S.S. docked at Havre and I already feel quite acclimated. The sun is trying to come out the first suggestion we had of its existence. But I wish you could see the "Christmas Roses" [blossoming] in the snow (quite deep) in the garden.

I found all in good shape at the M.I. Mlle Gobat not worn out as I feared, but better than when I left and all seeming harmonious and happy. The financial situation is not bad, the Dec. 31 balance is just about what we allowed for last September and the Maison Int. has made a surplus of 1700 francs over expenses (paying all the coal and service to date and none of the rent). We have in the house Miss Marshall, came for the conference on Russian Relief (Mlle. Gobat rather improperly decided we would pay her journey to come -- anyway I am awfully glad to have her here to consult with). Mrs. Marshall, her mother, Mlle. Reverchon for the same purpose, a Miss Brown (U.S.) who works in the L. of N. library and a friendly German Miss Kreykenbohn, formerly of Felix Adler's Ethical Culture School in N.Y., besides myself. I find myself very comfortable here and like it, it is restful not to have to go out in the morning before work.

I stopped in Paris over two nights. I found people mostly ill with the grippe. Mme. D. rather blue and overworked. I took tea at Mme. Duchênes and saw Mme. St. Prix, Mlle. Pottescher, Miss Phelps, Mlle. [Rehoviat] etc. We went to see Mlle. Rolland and were met at her house by Mme. Jouve and talked summer school. I decided to expedite things by asking the French section (i.e., for this purpose, Rolland and Jouve) to undertake the responsibility of preparing the [program] of the school. Now we are looking for a place -- if possible in North-Italy -- and a person to be its Miss Royds. A circular letter on the subject is just going out.

I hope to get the regular(?) bimonthly News Sheet out on Feb. 15. I think it will be cheaper, or as cheap, to print it, and much more effective.

I have your letters -- of Jan. 3 (with $20 check) and two of Jan. 4, and enclosures of Cumberson Cox letters. As desired I have sent check for Swiss francs 50 to Mr. de Jong Van Beek en Donk for his publication (for the last year) and for 36 francs to the Revue de Geneve for 1922, to come to M.I. (thank you for it). [page 2] As your check will bring a little over 100 this will leave (100+ -86) something over 14 francs to your credit in case you have any small sums to pay here. I also owe you something on account of Pax pins -- a matter I will straighten out "when I can get around to it".

I will gladly write to Mrs. Cox of Honolulu. I think she is a classmate of mine of '89 at Bryn Mawr.

Miss Landázuri has been an angel about writing en detail as to the Spanish situation and I will do what I can to "follow up" [though] I don't believe we can accomplish much just by correspondence. ↑I count much on her for our work in Mexico. I wrote her in detail about the situation there & its past history and sent a long letter to Sig. Torres.↓

All send their love and not least, be sure.

↑Yours↓ E G B [initialed]

Since I have got back I feel pretty nearly well so I hope that curious phase of ill health, whatever it was, is [practically] past.

↑Feb 1 -- There has been a delay about mailing this. I now learn that Miss Thornton wishes to leave for good April first and Miss Wössner May 1. I am writing to you and others more in detail for suggestions for successors -- also as to Ex. Com. Meeting. I am presuming [at in any] case we should not [have] the [illegible] blessing of having you with us.↓