Irene Osgood to Jane Addams, March 20, 1909


March 20, 1909.

Miss Jane Addams,
Hull House,

My dear Miss Addams:

April 10th seems to be the date which will accommodate the largest number of our General Administrative Council for its spring meeting. I enclose a circular letter, containing the list of our officers and have checked those who have replied that they may possibly be able to attend at that time. If half the number checked actually are present I think we shall do very well indeed. President Farnam will be there and Professor Commons, Dr. Ely, Dr. Andrews and I will go down from here. Arrangements have been made for the meeting to be held at the City Club, the hour and agenda to be decided later and mailed to the officers.

It occurred to us here that this would be a splendid time to have a large public meeting for the evening, which would probably also be held at the City Club. This is just a suggestion to you in case the Chicago Section cared to act upon it. If you decide to do this, we should be glad to co-operate with you in any way possible.

Sincerely yours,