John Bertram Andrews to Jane Addams, March 6, 1909


March 6, 1909.

Miss Jane Addams,
Hull House,

My dear Miss Addams:

In issuing a little leaflet extolling the merits of the BULLETIN of the INTERNATIONAL LABOR OFFICE, we wish to include half-a-dozen brief personal comments from people like Dr. Charles McCarthy, Professor Henderson, Professor Commons, and yourself, and it occurs to us that you might be willing to write a line or two for us. We remember that you once said in conversation: "Of all the publications that come to Hull House, I read none more eagerly than the Bulletin," -- or words to that effect.

If you will be so kind as to express in writing some such sentiment, it will be of great assistance to us in getting a wide circle interested in the subject of labor legislation, and your [cooperation] will be highly appreciated.

With sincere regards, I am
Yours very truly
Exective Secretary.