Emily Greene Balch to Jane Addams, November 9, 1921

Lincoln Mass
Nov 9/21

Dear Miss Addams,

I hoped your telegram of yesterday would be followed up by a letter today as I have had no recent letter from Miss Marshall. I am hoping a ↑an explanatory↓ letter from you may arrive tomorrow. Meanwhile I am away from home and my papers for a few days.

I have just written a long letter to Mrs. Odell [page 2] about various matters looking toward linking up our national and international efforts to better purpose.

I want to ensure

1) Not all our associate members in the US also receive all National (and local branch) literature

2:) That enough extra copies of our Geneva bulletins [etc.] should be sent to America to supply all our Am. subcenters (state & local groups). [page 3]

I decided finally to see a doctor and am advised that I am in good health but "exhausted," blood pressure way below normal weight ditto and the prescription is a building-up diet and not too much fatigue and with this I ought to be in good shape (which I really have not been for some time) when I return I think I shall sail Jan 7 on the Touraine for Havre. [page 4]

We had a pretty good meeting of the Mass. W. I. L. Monday [evening]. Helen Cheever will be chairman, Mrs Mead & Mrs John Codman are ↑among the members↓ of the Ex Com. I hope it will go ahead. Mrs Kelley spoke [illegible] our using concessions to the Allies in [re] debts to secure the [illegible] policies (disarmament at and other matters) that we, at our best, stand for. Mrs Mead ↑was↓ cautious, wants [page 5] to get more advice, etc.


I have moments of great distress of mind feeling we might be doing more, yet not sure what, to push forward on big lines. I never seem to have time for any but the little things & that is so stupid. As I sleep (if I can get the chance) six or eight hours a day besides all [page 6] night you will see that I am not accomplishing much. I have spoken, however, at [Wellesley] College (on W.I.L.P.F.)

Women's City Club

League of Democratic Control

Liberal Club [Radcliffe] (with Mrs Mead)

W.I.L. Boston

(also presided & spoke at Mondays meeting of the B W.I.L. here). I have 2 other engagements.

I did not use these occasions to the full I fear [page 7] for the direct purpose of securing new members.

Helen Cheever wants to give some money to the National -- preferably I think toward the salary of a competent secretary. What would you advise? I have written to Mrs Odell about this also.

Miss Nichols has given me some information which does not look hopeful for [page 8] the recovery of Miss [illegible]'s $300. She Miss Cheever will forward the paragraph to you.

W Vienna lies like lead on my heart. Miss Pye & Dr Clarke spoke here to a meeting that Helen & I got up for them -- see card herewith. They have had a cable signed by 60 infant ↑child↓ welfare doctors begging for help (relief & aid to facilitate credits) and saying [page 9] that the starvation is back to that situation is going to be as bad as 1919. Alas & alas! A letter just rec'd confi by them confirms the cable & says the signs of starvation have already reappeared. It is of course the fall of the crown, and that is ↑due to↓ lack of credits, and that is because ↑our↓ Congress cannot find time to pass a bill making the latter possible. [page 10]

I offered to go on to Washington with D Dr. C. & Miss Pye to see if we could interest pivotal individuals about credits but they did not urge me to go (to my selfish relief). I think they will go however, and any letters of introduction sent them at 20 South 12" St Phila (Friends Service Com.) would help. They were so lovely and made a deep impression but I do not yet [page 11] know how much money we got for them.

Is it not great to feel at last a real ground-swell of revolt against war. Peace, people tell me, is now "the thing" of the moment at least.

Devotedly yours

Emily Balch

I am reading Irwin's the Next War. I hear it is being translated into Japanese. I should like to be able to send [page 12] a copy to each of our sections & ask them to try to get it read or if practical translated.