Jane Addams to Ellen Gates Starr, December 18, 1922



Stockholm den Dec 18" 1922

Dearest Ellen

I had no time for writing during our Conference and immediately after it we hurried off to these north countries to see what we could do about our resolutions. We are rather a jolly trio, an Englishwoman Catherine Marshall, a French [Jeanne Mélin] and poor old J. A. Our reception here has been extraordinarily cordial [page 2] for Christiana, then to Denmark, England & France where I hope to meet Mary Smith Jan'y 6th.

Our Congress was fine and the trades union Congress following it was a thrilling experience in its way. Mrs Karsten attended [illegible] consented to work in the Geneva office until May 1st going down on the first of Jan'y. Miss Balch is ill and is spending the winter in Egypt. I saw Prof Lomonossoff for a few minutes as our train passed [through] Berlin but Mrs L. was in Moscow.

I do hope all the Xmas festivities are marching on, they are beautiful here in the north, the out-door dancing & singing, a girl with candles in her hair assuring [page 3] us that spring will come. It is great fun to be here for the shortest days of the year.

Do write to me sometime. I get most eager for news of it all, and am Always devotedly yours Jane Addams