Louise de Koven Bowen to Jane Addams, October 4, 1908

Hotel Belmont
New York

Oct 4t

My dear

I have made a lot of inquiries in regard to a boarding plan for your niece and have written to a friend to ask for information so far I can't hear of anything but perhaps some thing will turn up.

Yours of the 2nd came today. Had you not better put Millers bills for cleaning Boys Club and Women's Bldg with the general account and then I'll put in my [page 2] check for the amount, otherwise [her] accounts will not show what repairs cost. Of course he can say it isn't fair because you wouldn't perhaps do as much if I wasn't paying for it still I think its the way to do. Don't you worry about what I do. I won't do more than I can afford and I am taking lots of satisfaction out of it. I am glad the Valerio's have left. You sound very busy. de Koven is up for our Sunday [Miss] Hemple is ill still with the Grippe and Helen is so miserable I hate leaving her here but she wants to stay.

