Emily Greene Balch to National Sections of the Women's International League for Peace and Freedom, February 18, 1920


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His Excellency Chief State PILSUDSKI Warsaw.

We beg to grant a crossing to Poland to the hapless prisoners escaped from Siberia who are waiting at the border to return to their wives after long martyrs. This permission is necessary before organization of the passage and supply are possible.
For a meeting held in Geneva February 13 under the auspices of the International Women's League for Peace and Freedom, Emily Balch, Secretary of the League, 19, Bd Georges Favon, Geneva.

For the Central Committee for the Resumption of International Relations affiliated with the Union of Democratic Control from London to Berns. Hotel de France,
Enrico Bignami, René Claparède, Magdeleine Marx, Dr. Edmond Privat, Dr. Maris Rusciecka, Jacques Servance.