Jane Addams to Anna Garlin Spencer, March 10, 1920



International Office: Geneva
19, Bd Georges-Favon

March 10, 1920

Dear Mrs. Spencer:

I haven't had time as yet to see the Chicago people but I am sure that the last of April, the date you suggest, 23rd and 24th, will be all right, and I hope you will call the meeting for that date.

I do not think the motion on the historic platform meant to do away with it anywhere excepting in the particular document we were contemplating. It seemed to me so awkward to have it in a footnote with a resolution attached to it, that it was better to let it go. But of course I agree with you that we had no right to "drop" the platform, nor could we very well proceed without one. It may be well to take up the whole question of a new platform at the April meeting, and that might be mentioned in the call, which I hope you will write, but certainly until such action is taken, the historic platform is with us.

I quite agree with your clear statements of the nine points that must be considered, and I am sure that you and Mrs. [Karsten] can send out the preliminary material better than [anyone] else could possibly do it. The whole question, however, of the new officers seems to me a difficult one. I found a lot of [page 2] new material from Miss Balch on my desk. I will have some of it copied and sent on to you.

Your New Orleans meeting is fine. Might I have my title read: "What did the International League accomplish at The Hague and at Zurich?" I have three other speaking engagements at the New Orleans conference and should be glad to have the exact time of our meeting as soon as possible.

The "Save the Children Fund" organizations have established an international office at Geneva. I think we might propose to Mrs. Lewis to change our title to that, and perhaps more directly cooperate internationally. However, that's a detail which you can settle later. I have just come back from Kalamazoo where I have been lecturing, and which must explain this hurried letter. I am sure you know how much I admire the splendid way you have taken hold of the difficult and baffling situation and I am awfully sorry that the hasty suggestion of mine of a given ↑to give up the↓ platform has balled you all up ↑at [a given plan?] should have made such a confusion↓.

Always affectionately yours,

JA [initialed]