Wilbur Kelsey Thomas to Jane Addams, November 22, 1919


November 22, 1919.

Jane Addams,
800 S. Halsted St.,
Chicago, Ill.

Dear friend:

We have now worked out our plan with Mr. Hoover and will have some printed material for you some time next week. We have to be rather careful about this because Mr. Hoover has specially requested us not to get into the public press any more than is necessary. It is a question, therefore, of rather quiet solicitation. I think, however, that the material I will be able to send you next week will meet your needs.

In regard to the invitations which you are receiving from the German-American Societies I have only this suggestion to make. It seems to me that in view of the fact that we are able to get food over there without deduction for overhead or transportation you are justified in saying to these people that you will speak in case they will turn over their money to us. This, perhaps, will limit you somewhat, but on the other hand it will make them clearly understand that this is the agency through which they ought to work. I write this from no selfish reason for I do not want anyone to think that we are trying to do a sectarian work, but those who are directly interested in feeding the children of Germany have a right to insist that all the money that is contributed should go directly to relief work. I wonder just how far you will agree with me in this, but offer it as a suggestion.

We are very glad to have you speak in the interest of the work and I trust that you will continue to help us put across this great message.

Yours sincerely,

Executive Secretary.

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