November 19th, 1919
My dear Mr. Thomas:
I am sending you a copy of Mr. Hoover's spirited reply to the English memorial and under separate cover come appeals for the Siberian prisoners which you may already have had.
I continue to speak to large groups of German-Americans but it is obvious that while they assure me they are much stirred by the message, they prefer to send their contributions [through] the German Red Cross or relatives. I am at a great disadvantage in that no printed material comes. If I could have a statement of the advantageous arrangement which you have made with Mr. Hoover in a small compass, I believe some money would come in.
I think I sent you a copy of Professor Abderhalden's letter. Sometimes I wish we had a smaller and more definite scheme to promote. I am receiving invitations from the German-American societies in Omaha, Davenport and elsewhere but I am not quite sure that this is the way to meet the problem. I shall be very glad to have your advice in the matter.
Faithfully yours,
Jane Addams [signed]
As nearly as I can estimate after each meeting, Milwaukee and St. Louis gave $40,000 each and Chicago $35,000 ↑but all of it [through] German agencies excepting Mr Nagel & one or two other men in St. Louis↓