Jane Addams to Florence Kelley, March 20, 1919


2513 -- 12 St Washington D.C.

Dearest Sister Kelley

We have our passports [&] bags but I don't want the fact published lest the Chicago Tribune start up a counter attack. Mr Post was as nice as he could be and our spirits have come up tremendously. I am sure you will get yours and then we will start some of the others. I leave [tonight] and am always devotedly yours

Jane Addams


I do hope we can get off April 9" on the Noordam.

(over) [page 2]

Mrs Post & I have just gotten our passage on the Noordam sailing for Havre April 9th.

We have been vised here by the Swiss & French our passports read to Switzerland -- en route England, France, Italy. We won't use the latter. Dorothy North has ↑state room↓ 126 Mrs Post & I have the one opposite 128. Mr Hicks will save the other [next to] 128 until Saturday noon. I do hope you can take it.

J. A.