Jane Addams to Florence Kelley, March 22, 1919


March 22nd, 1919.

Dear Sister Kelley: --

We got our passports Wednesday afternoon at 4, but the process were not completed until they were vised the next day.

It did not occur to me that you would want to try quite so quickly, and I think the chances are really better to have a day or two in between ↑at least we were so advised.↓

Mrs. Post can give you any detail in regard to the matter, and I am sure that there is plenty of room on the Noordam.

[illegible] ↑A↓ Hamilton has about decided to go. I thrust my [penciled] note in Mrs. Post's letter, which we sent from the steamship office as soon as we knew what our plans were.

We counted on you getting the whole thing the next morning, which I hope you did.

Hastily yours,

Jane Addams [signed]

To --
Miss Florence Kelley,
289 Fourth Ave.,
New York City.

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