Charles Herbert Levermore to Jane Addams, June 6, 1919


The New York Peace Society



June 6, 1919.

Miss Jane Addams,
[800] South Halsted Street,
Chicago, Ill.

Dear Miss Addams:

I am sorry to report that our financial plans have been disarranged by the unexpected refusal of the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace to give any subvention for our work. Heretofore, the Endowment has aided both the World Court League and the New York Peace Society. Under the new name we jointly asked for fifteen thousand dollars and expected to raise as much more ourselves. The Executive Committee of the Endowment, which in this case means either Senator Root or President Butler, or both, refused the application because they did not wish to have the Endowment helping a propaganda which might in its turn be helpful to President Wilson's policies.

The official statement gave as the reason for their action that the League to Enforce Peace has accepted the proposed covenant for a League of Nations and is supporting it, and that on that account it was not desirable to help us. It was implied that our organization has accepted the proposed covenant in the same sense that the League to Enforce Peace has. This is not the fact, neither the union nor the constituent societies in it have officially accepted or approved the proposed covenant ↑in a League of Nations↓. Our platform commits us only to work for international cooperation. Our propaganda is strictly educational and non-partisan. Our magazine is a forum for the discussion of a League of Nations from all points of view. We are working for enlightenment. Nevertheless, I doubt whether Messrs. Root and Butler can be induced to change their position.

If Mr. Carnegie were still in control of all his powers he would hardly permit the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace to remain inactive and belie its name, but he is now incapable of transacting business. Under these circumstances it becomes necessary for us to find fifteen thousand dollars as soon as possible somewhere else.

I shall greatly value any counsel that you can give us.

You are, as you doubtless know, now a member of our Board of Directors as a representative of the Women's International Committee.

Yours very sincerely,

Charles H. Levermore [signed]