Jane Addams to W. E. B. Du Bois, January 26, 1907


January 26, 1907.

My dear Mr. [Du Bois]:

I am sure you have not forgotten your kind promise to give us an address at Hull-House on Lincoln's Birthday. We are arranging this address for the evening in our largest auditorium and I need not assure you that we are anticipating it with a great deal of pleasure.

I hope that Mrs. [Du Bois] will accompany you and that you will be our guests during your stay in the city.

May I ask what your plans are in regard to your time of arrival and also whether you would care to make any other addresses during your stay in Chicago. It is possible to arrange one at the Francis W. Parker School on the morning of the twelfth. This school, as you know, was founded by Mrs. Emmons Blaine and is in every respect the most advanced educational experiment in the city. [page 2] The audience would consist of the children and the teachers and some parents and would be fine for its selection of people truly interested in education rather than for its size.

I will not, of course, venture to make appointments of any sort however, until I hear from you.

Fathfully yours,

Jane Addams. [signed]

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