Eleanor Daggett Karsten to Roger Nash Baldwin, March 13, 1918


March 13th, 1918

My dear Mr. Baldwin:

Miss Addams is out of town and will not return for a month or more. May I therefore ask that her name be not used in connection with the Liberty Defense Union until you have heard from her. Miss Addams is exceedingly careful about the use of her name in a case where from the mere geographical separation it is impossible for her to follow the work of the organization as it [develops] in Committee meetings and where she cannot take that part which the use of her name implies, in the shaping of the policies. I am sure Miss Addams is in sympathy with the purpose of the organization as outlined in your letter and possibly she may wish to have her name used. I am forwarding your letter to her.

↑very sincerely yours↓

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