Lucia Ames Mead to Jane Addams, February 8, 1918

19 Euston St.
Feb. 8 '18.

My dear Miss Addams,

I enclose a letter from Mrs. Percy which I found it hard to read. It is the only word I have thus far had about the great schism. I wrote to Miss Balch asking her to give me a report. I hope things are not quite as bad as they seem to Mrs. Percy. I do not think that Miss Balch blames me any more than I blamed myself for sending a letter which was never received, possibly [through] some [page 2] carelessness of mine about direction or stamps.

I can readily believe that the proceedings were rather highhanded and that the "convention" was packed. Now we must get the exact facts and decide whether we are to recognize Miss Eastman as chairman of the State.

I hope Mrs. Karsten is sending out the queries to our 35 as to whether they are still planning to go to the after the war Congress. As soon as there is a vacancy I want to propose Miss Rose Nichols of 55 Mt Vernon St who is a very able woman whom Mrs. Andrews and I think would be an acquisition. She is well posted [page 3] and was one of a very few with whom I was associated this afternoon in a two hours private talk with Mr. Ratcliffe. He had some very interesting things to tell us sub rosa. He will see you soon and will tell you. I hear him in public tomorrow night.

Next week we have a little meeting to discuss how to get the people represented at the Peace Conference. My own scheme is that each country's lower house should appoint a committee representing approximately proportionately its different political parties and the different interests and localities which shall draw up a list of national organizations divided into three groups: The Labor group: [page 4] A.F. of L., Granges etc.; The Business group: Chambers of Commerce, national banking and shipping organizations etc; the Intellectuals: The Gen. Federation of Churches, N.E.A. etc.

The ex. boards of the organizations in each group shall nominate 6 persons, and the Congressional committee shall select an equal number from these, the names to be endorsed by the whole House: the total shall be one more than the number of officials chosen by the government. All shall sit in one assembly at the Peace Conference. Arthur Fisher wants two houses. Mr. Ratcliffe says the subject has not been broached in England.

Yours cordially,

Lucia Ames Mead.