Jane Addams to Paul Underwood Kellogg, August 18, 1917


August 18th, 1917

My dear Mr. Kellogg:

I find that the people in England whom I would care most to have you see are largely those whose names are appended to the recent terms of peace statement. I have marked those whom I know quite well and those whom I know best I have marked with a double cross.

I should add, of course, the name of John Burns whom you could easily find in the House of Commons; Lord and Lady Courtney who are very active in the peace movement (Lady Courtney is the sister of Mrs. Sydney Webb); Mr. and Mrs. Sydney Webb who are not pacifists but very intelligent; Francis W. Hirst, the editor of the Economist who is now editing Commonsense; Miss Sheepshanks, the editor of Jus [Suffragii], the international suffrage paper, who is a friend of Bertrand Russell; Allen Baker, the Quaker member of Parliament, Miss Crystal Macmillan, who served as Secretary of our International Committee of Women for Permanent Peace; Mrs. Cobden-Sanderson who is a very energetic and interesting woman; if possible Patrick Geddes but he will probably be in Scotland.

If you go to Oxford, Sidney Ball, Head of [Wadham] College, I am sure would be good to you and if you go out to Hampstead Health to see the model village, you will find Mrs. Samuel Barnett there, who will, I am sure, be very nice to a friend of mine.

These are only a small portion of the people I met but they are, I think, the most significant. Lord Loreborn, Lord Bryce, and Lord Haldane, and the other great ones, of course, were interesting [page 2] but you would have to find another method of approach as I have doubtless passed from their minds long ago.

In Paris the man who did most for us was Jean Longuet, who is the grand-son of Karl Marx a fact he keeps rather dark just now, I think. He is a member of the Chamber of Deputies, a friend of Jaures, etc. Madame [Duchêne], 10 Quai [Debilly], who is the Chairman of the Woman's Peace Party and very nice indeed. She has had a very hard time. She could introduce you to the sister of Romain Rolland and other people. They may or may not be in Paris just now. The whole situation seems rather vague to me there because I have been so out of communication with them.

There is one very interesting newspaper man representing the Manchester Guardian, a friend of [Longuet]. You could easily get at him through [Longuet] and indeed you might reach a good many other interesting people in the same way.

This seems like a feeble list when I think of the many people we met in Paris and London but I am trying to give only the names of those with whom my name might prove a method of approach. I am not so sure even of all of these for I do not know how wide-spread the unhappy bayonet story was in England.

I am

Always devotedly yours,

Jane Addams [signed]