Edith Paulina Hubbart to Jane Addams, September 3, 1917

[450] S. Charter St.,
Monticello, Ills.,

Miss Addams,

Please tell me if you will exactly what you feel to be true about the war & also mayor of Chicago.

To be a bit caustic we women (and especially "down state" women) are supposed as You Know to need to be "Educated" by men -- especially, shall I say, now as to what is best for us. What are peaceful meetings etc etc etc etc etc. [page 2] [May] a State official [be] subjected to the [recall]? How?

Were the situation not so seriously grave and grievously ludicrous it would not so nearly need your help & advice.

Please help me to know what to do and what I may say & do in free America (not Germany) that will enable me to preserve self respect and aid the movement for peace.

Sept., 3, '17


Edith P. Hubbart.