Jane Addams to Nicholas Kelley, October 1, 1905


My dear Ko

We are all so grateful that you have been with your mother during the last sad days and you are the one person who can comfort her. I was ready to come on to Philadelphia but could not find where your mother would be on Saturday and dared not fare forth on an uncertainty. I find it hard to keep away and my whole soul longs for her.

We enjoyed Margarets visit so much this summer [page 2] and are grief stricken that a child of the House has been taken from us. I wish that your mother might have heard all the loving and appreciative things that were said by the people here. Won't you let me know if at any time it seems that I might be of special use and comfort to your mother. I do wish that she might come to us for a little while. As for you dear friend, you know the place you always have here and that our hearts are full of love and sympathy for you now. It must be a [page 3] comfort to you to have given Margaret so much pleasure during the last two years and to have so completely won her gratitude and affection. She quite surrounded you with her admiration and love. Always yours affectionately

Jane Addams

Oct. 1st 1905 

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