Henry Churchill King to Jane Addams, October 1905


My dear Miss Addams:--

I write simply to remind you that we are expecting you for the lecture at eleven o'clock Friday, October 27th. I suppose you will probably come, leaving Chicago at 8:30 Thursday night, and getting here at 6:05 Friday.

Mrs King and I, as I think I previously wrote you, are of course anticipating the pleasure of your being with us; and we should be very glad to have a few friends meet you, at either lunch or dinner, if that would be agreeable to you. But I know that these trips are sometimes tiring, and I simply do not wish to lay any burden on you in that way, if you would prefer not to have the extra strain of meeting any others. If you prefer not to meet others at the house, I shall be glad if your Secretary would kindly telegraph me to that effect, at my expense. If I get no word from you, we shall be most happy in going forward to arrange for giving the pleasure to [a] few of our friends of meeting you at our home.

Very sincerely yours,


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