Jane Addams to Ida Minerva Tarbell, January 30, 1917


My dear Miss Tarbell:

I am very grateful for your letter and of course I agree with you that personal and family obligations come first and that you have not only a right but an obligation to consult your own health. Certainly I have run away from all my obligations during the last year [and] am only too conscious of how iron-clad health obligations are.

I am coming to hear your lecture on our tariff if I ever have an opportunity. You are the one person who has succeeded in making the subject intelligible to me.

I am enclosing a letter we are sending out to raise funds for the After the War Congress, which I hope will interest you. We have succeeded in raising over $8,000 and are encouraged to find even so much response.

Thanking you for your long letter and sharing to the full your admiration of the address of the President before the Senate, I am

Faithfully yours,

Miss Ida M. Tarbell,
Care President, Knox College,
Galesburg, Illinois.