Jane Addams to Mary Rozet Smith, August 14, 1904



Here I am and without your father which was a terrible disappointment. I left him Friday almost sure that he would go but when I arrived Saturday at half past two he had made all the arrangements to stay. [illegible] are coming to spend the night [etc.]. Miss Christenson thought his change of mind was due to "dear Aunty's" oft repeated statement that he would be "more comfortable at home" than elsewhere etc. but his disinclination to go away is [page 2] deeper than that, I think. He says that he is so lonely when he wakes up at ↑3 o'clock↓ night that he does not like to feel himself in a strange place. ↑Miss C says that he often calls her to feel his pulse about that time.↓ We took a drive and he left me at the N.W. station in time for the 4.45 train at the very end he expressed a little genuine regret but he certainly did not want to leave home. I am going directly from the train to 19 Walton Place for the night and will stay for most of the morning. He is alone really very little, and I doubt if your being at home would change the [page 3] essential thing which is [illegible] nervous. It is of course delightful up here and after a quiet morning I have [made?] the first little impression upon my St. Louis paper. By the way may I send you a Nat. Am. Review and ask you to send it to Isabel Eaton. I have quite forgotten the name of her hotel & I promised her one the day she was at "our house" -– it quite gives me a thrill to write the words it was our house wasn't it in a [really] truly ownership. [page 4] I told your father about the 26" when pressed for a date, and he took it quite calmly. Please don't feel uncomfortable, I promise to write fairly and squarely as things are, [although] ↑today↓ I smile over my vague notion that I could induce him to go to Ball Creek, my "pride of influence" had a great fall. He had a long discussion with Mr Taylor the other night after I left, in which he fought valiantly for the strikers, upon my congratulating him when he repeated his valiant defense of the Stock Yard ↑men↓, he assured me most [top of page 1] solemnly that he was always on that side, could never really be on any other! With love to your household and always to your neighborhood I am always yrs J. A. Aug 14"

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