Susan Miller Long Quackenbush to Jane Addams, November 27, 1916


My dear Miss Addams: --

You are responsible for this smashing of my good resolution to take, during my stay in Chicago, not even a little part of the time and strength that for all our sakes you must devote to the task of getting entirely well.

It wavered much a few days ago when Mr. Jones let me read his copy of the new book, for I so wanted to tell [page 2] you how fine and compelling it seems to me. Such a wonder-book, with such keen, far-reaching insight into the things that are in the world, and into human consciousness! It illumines more vividly, because more humanly, than do the higher critics, the way in which myths and traditions and religions, and all the fetishes that bind and comfort, limit and console the race have been built up from the race. And then that last chapter [page 3] so beautifully intimates the realities that are underneath it all.

Then, after coming so near writing to tell you how I loved the book, Mrs. Karsten told you had asked about me, and then Mrs. Thomas said you had been so kind as to say she should bring me to see you, and then -- as you see -- my resolution failed entirely.

I am going back to Portage [today] to stay over Thanksgiving. When I return, if you are quite sure it will not be taking time and strength you [page 4] need for other things, I will so gladly and gratefully come to see you whenever Mrs. Thomas lets me know that you are ready.

She has probably told you, as perhaps Zona Gale has too, that I can no longer endure doing nothing all the year, and that at least during the winters I hope to find work in Chicago. If you know of any corner that needs me, I shall be most happy to fit into it. The amount of salary is not so vital as the chance to do work that I [page 5] could feel needs to be done. If it could be anything that would lift the burden in the least from your shoulders, that would seem especially [worthwhile]. In general, any sort of publication, propaganda or secretarial work appeals to me most.

With deep joy in the thought that you are so nearly restored to health again, I am,

Faithfully yours,

Susan Quackenbush.

Lincoln Centre,
November 27, 1916.

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